Sunday, August 4, 2019
The Escape Room by Megan Goldin- Blog Tour
I was very Fortunate to be able to participate in the Blog Tour for this Fantastic book. The Escape Room by Megan Goldin was a book I could not put down. It was honestly really one of the Best Books that I enjoyed. I will not give any spoilers as I want you to try to feel what I felt when I read it.
It was a total Insane Thriller. I felt that way. I also felt like I could in my own ways relate to the characters as well. This book is probably not what you would expect... it’s even better. It sucks you in where you don’t want to put it down until you can’t read no more or until daily life calls. Once you get to the last chapter of this book, you will be sad it’s ended it hooks you in hook, line, & sinker. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope you will as well.
The Escape Room Blog Tour Q&A
1. How did you become inspired to write The Escape Room?
There were a number of inspirations that led to me writing The Escape Room. First of all, I’d had my third baby and, for the first time since my working life began, I'd taken a year or so out of the workforce to be with him. When I started looking to go back to work, I interviewed for a job for which I should have been a serious candidate as my experience closely matched the job description and I'd done something similar before for a similar company. Instead, the interviewer ate snack food throughout the interview with, let's just say, very bad table manners. He crunched particularly loudly every time that I spoke. I drew on this experience when I wrote about the job interview from hell that Sara Hall went through in The Escape Room. It made me feel powerless. I told friends about what happened and they shared with me their own horror stories in the workplace. It made me want to explore sexism in the workplace in my next novel. It also inspired the idea of a revenge theme. I liked the idea of someone who is beaten down by the system making a comeback.
Around that time I was also stuck in an elevator. I’d gone shopping with my kids. I had a cart full of food. The elevator stopped and the lights went off. It took a couple of minutes until we were able to get out but it was a dark, cold, and frightening couple of minutes in that elevator. I’d been thinking about a setting for this thriller revenge story that I had in mind. It struck me that the elevator was a perfect setting. I was fired up by the challenge of setting a novel in an elevator. It also served my purpose well. I wanted to put my characters in a pressure-cooker atmosphere where animosity would build as they learned each other’s secrets. An elevator was perfect.
2. What was your research process like when writing about the financial industry in the U.S?
When I research my books, I apply journalism skills acquired over the years. That means immersing myself in whatever information I can get ahold of. I read books, newspaper articles, elevator manuals, and even journal studies on human psychology. I also followed forums for investment bankers and others working in the financial industry and some of their social media feeds. I spoke with people who worked in the world of finance and also drew on material that I’d collected in the past. For example, there were big name investment banks in my previous office building and I’d often overhear bankers and brokers chatting in the elevator about their personal lives and work, or in my condominium building where many of them lived. I tend to write and research at the same time as I don’t plan my novels other than the story arc. As the story evolves on the pages while I write, I’ll stop writing for a few hours and branch out to research whatever might be relevant for the novel. In the case of The Escape Room, that included issues such as ‘game theory’ and things as mundane as technical manuals about elevator safety mechanisms and issues related to guns and ballistics. The research is one of the fun parts of writing a novel. I get to learn new things and it breaks up the intensity of writing.
3. Are there any authors that you most look up to?
There is an endless list of authors, from crime and thriller writers, to literary fiction, classics, and non-fiction. Now that I am writing myself, I tend to analyze other books as I read. I look at plot, structure, character, voice, and various other writing techniques. Even as a journalist, I always saw writing as a constant process of learning and refining. I think it’s a lifelong endeavor. Among my favorites is John le Carre. I consider his novels master classes in suspense writing and I often reread them. Yuval Noah Harari's series, starting with Sapiens, was another inspiration behind The Escape Room, as I’d been reading it and watching Yarari's lectures on Youtube. It made me look at office culture through a prism of evolutionary biology. Offices are a modern-day human habit and the backbiting office politics is really a case of survival of the fittest.
4. If The Escape Room was to become a movie, which actor or actress would you like to play some of the roles?
Well, a close friend just suggested Bradley Cooper for Vincent! Or perhaps Colin Farrell, Ryan Gosling or Jesse Eisenberg for Sam and Jules. As for actresses, maybe Jennifer Lawrence for Sylvie, or Anne Hathaway or Margot Robbie for Sara Hall. Lucy could be Emily Blunt.
5. Do you have any upcoming projects you’re working on?
I am working on my next book. It's also a thriller and it addresses contemporary themes but it's quite different from The Escape Room. I'm a little hesitant about how much to divulge at this point until it's done.
6. Anything else you’d like to add?
I'm extremely touched by all the support and feedback that I've been getting from so many bloggers and reviewers who are passionate about The Escape Room and who love the characters. Thank you all so much.
The Escape Room by Megan Goldin
In Megan Goldin's unforgettable debut, The Escape Room, four young Wall Street rising stars discover the price of ambition when an escape room challenge turns into a lethal game of revenge.
Welcome to the escape room. Your goal is simple. Get out alive.
In the lucrative world of finance, Vincent, Jules, Sylvie, and Sam are at the top of their game. They’ve mastered the art of the deal and celebrate their success in style—but a life of extreme luxury always comes at a cost.
Invited to participate in an escape room as a team-building exercise, the ferociously competitive co-workers crowd into the elevator of a high rise building, eager to prove themselves. But when the lights go off and the doors stay shut, it quickly becomes clear that this is no ordinary competition: they’re caught in a dangerous game of survival.
Trapped in the dark, the colleagues must put aside their bitter rivalries and work together to solve cryptic clues to break free. But as the game begins to reveal the team’s darkest secrets, they realize there’s a price to be paid for the terrible deeds they committed in their ruthless climb up the corporate ladder. As tempers fray, and the clues turn deadly, they must solve one final chilling puzzle: which one of them will kill in order to survive?
Author Bio:
MEGAN GOLDIN worked as a correspondent for Reuters and other media outlets where she covered war, peace, international terrorism and financial meltdowns in the Middle East and Asia. She is now based in Melbourne, Australia where she raises three sons and is a foster mum to Labrador puppies learning to be guide dogs. THE ESCAPE ROOM is her debut novel.
Buy-book link:
It was Miguel who called 911 at 4:07 a.m. on an icy Sunday morning. The young security guard spoke in an unsteady voice, fear disguised by cocky nonchalance.
Miguel had been an aspiring bodybuilder until he injured his back lifting boxes in a warehouse job and had to take night- shift work guarding a luxury office tower in the final stages of construction. He had a muscular physique, dark hair, and a cleft in his chin.
He was conducting a cursory inspection when a scream rang out. At first, he didn’t hear a thing. Hip- hop music blasted through the oversize headphones he wore as he swept his flashlight across the dark recesses of the lobby.
The beam flicked across the classical faces of reproduction Greek busts cast in metal and inset into niches in the walls. They evoked an eerie otherworldliness, which gave the place the aura of a mausoleum.
Miguel paused his music to search for a fresh play list of songs. It was then that he heard the tail end of a muffled scream.
The sound was so unexpected that he instinctively froze. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard strange noises at night, whether it was the screech of tomcats brawling or the whine of construction cranes buffeted by wind. Silence followed. Miguel chided himself for his childish reaction.
He pressed PLAY to listen to a new song and was immediately assaulted by the explosive beat of a tune doing the rounds at the dance clubs where he hung out with friends.
Still, something in the screech he’d heard a moment before rattled him enough for him to be extra diligent.
He bent down to check the lock of the revolving lobby door. It was bolted shut. He swept the flashlight across a pair of still escalators and then, above his head, across the glass- walled mezzanine floor that overlooked the lobby.
He checked behind the long reception desk of blond oak slats and noticed that a black chair was at an odd angle, as if someone had left in a hurry.
A stepladder was propped against a wall where the lobby café was being set up alongside a water fountain that was not yet functional. Plastic- wrapped café tables and chairs were piled up alongside it.
In the far corner, he shone his flashlight in the direction of an elaborate model of the building complex shown to prospective tenants by Realtors rushing to achieve occupancy targets in time for the building’s opening the following month.
The model detailed an ambitious master plan to turn an abandoned ware house district that had been a magnet for homeless people and addicts into a high- end financial and shopping precinct. The first tower was almost finished. A second was halfway through construction.
When Miguel turned around to face the elevator lobby, he was struck by something so incongruent that he pushed his headphones off his head and onto his shoulders.
The backlit green fluorescent light of an elevator switch flickered in the dark. It suggested that an elevator was in use. That was impossible, because he was the only person there.
In the sobriety of the silent echo that followed, he convinced himself once again that his vague sense of unease was the hallucination of a fatigued mind. There was nobody in the elevator for the simple reason that the only people on- site on weekends were the security
guards. Two per shift. Except to night, Miguel was the only one on duty.
When Stu had been a no- show for his shift, Miguel figured he’d manage alone. The construction site was fenced off with towering barbed- wire fences and a heavy- duty electric gate. Nobody came in or out until the shift ended.
In the four months he’d worked there, the only intruders he’d encountered were feral cats and rats scampering across construction equipment in the middle of the night. Nothing ever happened during the night shift.
That was what he liked about the job. He was able to study and sleep and still get paid. Sometimes he’d sleep for a couple of hours on the soft leather lobby sofa, which he found preferable to the lumpy stretcher in the portable office where the guards took turns resting
between patrols. The CCTV cameras hadn’t been hooked up yet, so he could still get away with it.
From the main access road, the complex looked completed. It had a driveway entry lined with young maples in planter boxes. The lobby had been fitted out and furnished to impress prospective tenants who came to view office space.
The second tower, facing the East River, looked unmistakably like a construction site. It was wrapped with scaffolding. Shipping containers storing building materials were arranged like colorful Lego blocks in a muddy field alongside idle bulldozers and a crane.
Miguel removed keys from his belt to open the side entrance to let himself out, when he heard a loud crack. It whipped through the lobby with an intensity that made his ears ring.
Two more cracks followed. They were unmistakably the sound of gunshots. He hit the ground and called 911. He was terrified the shooter was making his way to the lobby but cocky enough to cover his fear with bravado when he spoke.
“Something bad’s going down here.” He gave the 911 dispatcher the address. “You should get cops over here.”
Miguel figured from the skepticism in the dispatcher’s cool voice that his call was being given priority right below the doughnut run.
His heart thumped like a drum as he waited for the cops to arrive. You chicken shit, he berated himself as he took cover behind a sofa. He exhaled into his shirt to muffle the sound of his rapid breathing. He was afraid he would give away his position to the shooter.
A wave of relief washed over him when the lobby finally lit up with a hazy blue strobe as a police car pulled in at the taxi stand. Miguel went outside to meet the cops.
“What’s going on?” An older cop with a thick gut hanging over his belted pants emerged from the front passenger seat.
“Beats me,” said Miguel. “I heard a scream. Inside the building. Then I heard what I’m pretty sure were gunshots.”
“How many shots?” A younger cop came around the car to meet him, snapping a wad of gum in his mouth.
“Two, maybe three shots. Then nothing.”
“Is anyone else around?” The older cop’s expression was hidden under a thick gray mustache.
“They clear out the site on Friday night. No construction workers. No nobody. Except me. I’m the night guard.”
“Then what makes you think there’s a shooter?”
“I heard a loud crack. Sure sounded like a gunshot. Then two more. Came from somewhere up in the tower.”
“Maybe construction equipment fell? That possible?”
A faint thread of red suffused Miguel’s face as he contemplated the possibility that he’d panicked over nothing. They moved into the lobby to check things out, but he was feeling less confident than when he’d called 911. “I’m pretty sure they—” He stopped speaking as they
all heard the unmistakable sound of a descending elevator.
“I thought you said there was nobody here,” said the older cop.
“There isn’t.”
“Could have fooled me,” said the second cop. They moved through to the elevator lobby. A light above the elevator doors was flashing to indicate an elevator’s imminent arrival. “Someone’s here.”
“The building opens for business in a few weeks,” said Miguel. “Nobody’s supposed to be here.”
The cops drew their guns from their holsters and stood in front of the elevator doors in a shooting stance— slightly crouched, legs apart. One of the cops gestured furiously for Miguel to move out of the way. Miguel stepped back. He hovered near an abstract metal sculpture
set into the wall at the dead end of the elevator lobby.
A bell chimed. The elevator heaved as it arrived.
The doors parted with a slow hiss. Miguel swallowed hard as the gap widened. He strained to see what was going on. The cops were blocking his line of sight and he was at too sharp an angle to see much.
“Police,” shouted both cops in unison. “Put your weapon down.”
Miguel instinctively pressed himself against the wall. He flinched as the first round of bullets was fired. There were too many shots to count. His ears rang so badly, it took him a moment to realize the police had stopped firing. They’d lowered their weapons and were shouting something. He didn’t know what. He couldn’t hear a thing over the ringing in his ears.
Miguel saw the younger cop talk into his radio. The cop’s mouth opened and closed. Miguel couldn’t make out the words. Gradually, his hearing returned and he heard the tail end of a stream of NYPD jargon.
He couldn’t understand most of what was said. Something about “nonresponsive” and needing “a bus,” which he assumed meant an ambulance. Miguel watched a trickle of blood run along the marble floor until it formed a puddle. He edged closer. He glimpsed blood splatter on the wall of the elevator. He took one more step. Finally, he could see inside the elevator. He immediately regretted it. He’d never seen so much blood in all his life.
Thirty-four Hours Earlier
Vincent was the last to arrive. His dark overcoat flared behind him as he strode through the lobby. The other three were standing in an informal huddle by a leather sofa. They didn’t notice Vincent come in. They were on their phones, with their backs to the entrance, preoccupied with emails and silent contemplation as to why they had been called to a last-minute meeting on a Friday night at an out-of-the-way office building in the South Bronx.
Vincent observed them from a distance as he walked across the lobby toward them. Over the years, the four of them had spent more time together than apart. Vincent knew them almost better than he knew himself. He knew their secrets, and their lies. There were times when he could honestly say that he’d never despised anyone more than these three people. He suspected they all shared the sentiment. Yet they needed one another. Their fates had been joined together long before.
Sylvie’s face bore its usual expression, a few degrees short of a resting-bitch face. With her cover-girl looks and dark blond hair pinned in a topknot that drew attention to her green eyes, Sylvie looked like the catwalk model that she’d been when she was a teenager. She was irritated by being called to an unscheduled meeting when she had to pack for Paris, but she didn’t let it show on her face. She studiously kept a faint upward tilt to her lips. It was a practice drummed into her over many years working in a male-dominated profession. Men could snarl or look angry with impunity; women had to smile serenely regardless of the provocation.
To her right stood Sam, wearing a charcoal suit with a white shirt and a black tie. His stubble matched the dark blond of his closely cropped hair. His jaw twitched from the knot of anxiety in his guts. He’d felt stabbing pains ever since his wife, Kim, telephoned during the drive over. She was furious that he wouldn’t make the flight to Antigua because he was attending an unscheduled meeting. She hated the fact that his work always took precedence over her and the girls.
Jules stood slightly away from the other two, sucking on a peppermint candy to disguise the alcohol on his breath. He wore a suave burgundy-and-navy silk tie that made his Gypsy eyes burn with intensity. His dark hair was brushed back in the style of a fifties movie star. He usually drank vodka because it was odorless and didn’t make his face flush, but now his cheeks were ruddy in a tell-tale sign he’d been drinking. The minibar in his chauffeured car was out of vodka, so he’d had to make do with whiskey on the ride over. The empty bottles were still rattling around in his briefcase.
As they waited for their meeting, they all had the same paranoid notion that they’d been brought to a satellite office to be retrenched. Their careers would be assassinated silently, away from the watercooler gossips at the head office.
It was how they would have done it if the positions were reversed. A Friday-evening meeting at an out-of-the-way office, concluding with a retrenchment package and a nondisclosure agreement signed and sealed.
The firm was considering unprecedented layoffs, and they were acutely aware they had red targets on their backs. They said none of this to one another. They kept their eyes downcast as they worked on their phones, unaware they were the only ones in the lobby. Just as they hadn’t paid much mind to the cranes and construction fencing on their way in.
Sam checked his bank account while he waited. The negative balance made him queasy. He’d wiped out all the cash in his account that morning paying Kim’s credit-card bill. If he lost his job, then the floodgates would open. He could survive two to three months without work; after that, he’d have to sell assets. That alone would destroy him financially. He was leveraged to the hilt. Some of his assets were worth less now than when he’d bought them.
The last time Sam had received a credit-card bill that huge, he’d immediately lowered Kim’s credit limit. Kim found out when her payment for an eleven-thousand-dollar Hermès handbag was rejected at the Madison Avenue store in front of her friends. She was mortified. They had a huge blowup that night, and he reluctantly restored her credit limit. Now he paid all her bills without a word of complaint. Even if it meant taking out bridging loans. Even if it meant constantly feeling on the verge of a heart attack.
Sam knew that Kim spent money as much for attention as out of boredom. She complained that Sam was never around to help with the twins. He’d had to point out that they’d hired a maid to give her all the help she needed. Three maids, to be truthful. Three within the space of two years. The third had walked out in tears a week ago due to Kim’s erratic temper.
Kim was never satisfied with anything. If Sam gave Kim a platinum necklace, she wanted it in gold. If he took her to London, she wanted Paris. If he bought her a BMW, she wanted a Porsche.
Satisfying her unceasing demands was doable when his job prospects were good, but the firm had lost a major account, and since Christmas word had spread of an impending restructure. Everyone knew that was a euphemism for layoffs.
Sam never doubted that Kim would leave him if he couldn’t support her lifestyle anymore. She’d demand full custody of the girls and she’d raise them to hate him. Kim forgave most of his transgressions, she could even live with his infidelities, but she never forgave failure.
It was Sam who first heard the footsteps sounding through the vast lobby. The long, hurried strides of a man running late to a meeting. Sam swung around as their boss arrived. Vincent’s square jaw was tight and his broad shoulders were tense as he joined them without saying a word.
“You almost didn’t make it,” observed Sylvie.
“The traffic was terrible.” Vincent ran his hand over his overcoat pocket in the habit of a man who had recently stopped smoking. Instead of cigarettes, he took out a pair of glasses, which he put on to examine the message on his phone. “Are you all aware of the purpose of this meeting?”
“The email invite from HR wasn’t exactly brimming with information,” said Sam. “You said in your text message it was compulsory for us to attend. That it took precedence over everything else. Well, we’re all here. So maybe now you can enlighten us, Vincent. What’s so important that I had to delay my trip to Antigua?”
“Who here has done an escape-room challenge before?” Vincent asked.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Sam said. “I abandoned my wife on her dream vacation to participate in a team-building activity! This is bullshit, Vincent. It’s goddamn bullshit and you know it.”
“It will take an hour,” said Vincent calmly. “Next Friday is bonus day. I’m sure that we all agree that it’s smart to be on our best behavior before bonus day, especially in the current climate.”
“Let’s do it,” said Sylvie, sighing. Her flight to Paris was at midnight. She still had plenty of time to get home and pack. Vincent led them to a brightly lit elevator with its doors wide open. Inside were mirrored walls and an alabaster marble floor.
They stepped inside. The steel doors shut behind them before they could turn around.
It’s remarkable what a Windsor knot divulges about a man. Richie’s Italian silk tie was a brash shade of red, with thin gold stripes running on a diagonal. It was the tie of a man whose arrogance was dwarfed only by his ego.
In truth, I didn’t need to look at his tie to know that Richie was a douche. The dead giveaway was that when I entered the interview room, a nervous smile on my pink matte painted lips, he didn’t bother to greet me. Or even to stand up from the leather chair where he sat and surveyed me as I entered the room.
While I categorized Richie as a first-class creep the moment I set eyes on him, I was acutely aware that I needed to impress him if I was to have any chance of getting the job. I introduced myself and reached out confidently to shake his hand. He shook my hand with a grip that was tighter than necessary—a reminder, perhaps, that he could crush my career aspirations as easily as he could break the bones in my delicate hand.
He introduced himself as Richard Worthington. The third, if you don’t mind. He had a two-hundred-dollar haircut, a custom shave, and hands that were softer than butter. He was in his late twenties, around five years older than I was.
When we were done shaking hands, Richie leaned back in his chair and surveyed me with a touch of amusement as I settled into my seat across the table.
“You can take off your jacket and relax,” he said. “We try to keep interviews informal here.”
I took off my jacket and left it folded over the back of the chair next to me as I wondered what he saw when he looked at me. Did he see a struggling business-school graduate with a newly minted MBA that didn’t appear to be worth the paper it was written on? Or was he perceptive enough to see an intelligent, accomplished young woman? Glossy brown hair cut to a professional shoulder length, serious gray eyes, wearing a brand-new designer suit she couldn’t afford and borrowed Louboutin shoes that were a half size too small and pinched her toes.
I took a deep breath and tried to project the poise and confidence necessary to show him that I was the best candidate. Finally I had a chance at getting my dream job on Wall Street. I would do everything that I could humanly do not to screw it up.
Richie wore a dark gray suit with a fitted white shirt. His cuff links were Hermès, arranged so that the H insignia was clearly visible. On his wrist was an Audemars Piguet watch, a thirty-grand piece that told everyone who cared that he was the very model of a Wall Street player.
Richie left me on the edge of my seat, waiting awkwardly, as he read over my résumé. Paper rustled as he scanned the neatly formatted sheets that summed up my life in two pages. I had the impression that he was looking at it for the first time. When he was done, he examined me over the top of the pages with the lascivious expression of a john sizing up girls at a Nevada whorehouse.
All the lights in the elevator turned off at once. It happened the moment the doors shut. One moment they were in a brightly lit elevator; the next they were in pitch- darkness. They were as good as blind, save for the weak fluorescent glow from a small display above the steel doors showing the floor number.
Jules stumbled toward the elevator control panel. He pressed the button to open the doors. The darkness was suffocating him. He had to get out. The elevator shot up before anything happened. The jolt was unexpected. Jules lost his footing and fell against the wall with a thud.
As the elevator accelerated upward, they assumed the lights would be restored at any moment. In every other respect, the elevator was working fine. It was ascending smoothly. The green display above the door was showing the changing floor numbers. There was no reason why it should be dark.
Without realizing it, they shifted toward one another, drawn together by a primordial fear of the dark and the unknown dangers that lurked within it. Jules fumbled for his phone and turned on the flashlight setting so that he could see what he was doing. He frantically pressed the buttons for upcoming floors. They didn’t appear to respond to the insistent pressure of his thumb.
“It’s probably an express,” explained Sylvie. “I saw a sign in the lobby that said something about the elevator running express until the seventieth floor.”
Jules pressed the button for the seventieth floor. And the seventy-first. And, for good measure, the seventy- second, as well. The buttons immediately lit up one after the other, each button backlit in green. Jules silently counted the remaining floors. All he could think about
was getting out.
He loosened his tie to alleviate the tightness in his chest. He’d never considered himself claustrophobic, but he’d had an issue with confined spaces ever since he was a child. He once left summer camp early, in hysterics after being accidentally locked in a toilet stall for a few minutes. His mother told the camp leader that his overreaction was due to a childhood trauma that left him somewhat claustrophobic and nervous in the dark.
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ll be taking the stairs on the way down,” Sam joked with fake nonchalance. “I’m not getting back into this hunk of junk again.”
“Maybe the firm is locking us up in here until we resign voluntarily,” Jules said drily. “It’ll save Stanhope a shitload of money.” He swallowed hard. The elevator was approaching the fortieth floor. They were halfway there. He had to hold it together for another thirty floors.
“It would be a mistake if the firm retrenched any of us,” said Vincent. “I told the executive team as much when we met earlier this week.” What Vincent didn’t mention was that several of the
leadership team had avoided looking at him during that meeting. That was when he knew the writing was on the wall.
“Why get rid of us? We’ve always made the firm plenty of money,” Sylvie said.
“Until lately,” Vincent said pointedly.
They’d failed to secure two major deals in a row. Those deals had both gone to a key competitor, who had inexplicably undercut them each time. It made them wonder whether their competitor had inside knowledge of their bids. The team’s revenue was lower than it had
been in years. For the first time ever, their jobs were vulnerable.
“Are we getting fired, Vincent?” Jules asked as the elevator continued rising. “Is that why we were summoned here? They must have told you something.”
“I got the same generic meeting invite that you all received,” Vincent responded. “It was only as I arrived that I received a text with instructions to bring you all up to the eightieth floor for an escape room challenge. The results of which, it said, would be used for ‘internal consultations about future staff planning.’ Make of that what you will.”
“Sounds like they want to see how we perform tonight before deciding what to do with us,” said Sylvie. “I’ve never done an escape room. What exactly are we supposed to do?”
“It’s straightforward,” said Sam. “You’re locked in a room and have to solve a series of clues to get out.”
“And on that basis they’re going to decide which of us to fire?” Jules asked Vincent in the dark.
“I doubt it,” Vincent said. “The firm doesn’t work that way.”
“Vincent’s right,” said Jules cynically. “Let’s take a more optimistic tack. Maybe they’re using our escape room performance to determine who to promote to Eric Miles’s job.” Eric had resigned before Christmas under something of a cloud. They’d heard rumors the firm was going to promote someone to the job internally. Such promotions were highly sought after. At a time when their jobs were in jeopardy, it offered one of them a potential career lifeline.
The green display above the door flashed the number 67. They had three more floors to go until the elevator finished the express part of the ride. The elevator slowed down and came to a stop on the seventieth floor. Jules exhaled in relief. He stepped forward in anticipation of the doors opening. They remained shut.
He pressed the open button on the control panel. Nothing happened. He pressed it again, holding it down for several seconds. The doors still didn’t budge. He pressed the button three times in quick succession. Nothing. Finally, in desperation, he pressed the red emergency button. There was no response.
“It’s not working,” he said.
They looked up at the panel above the door that displayed the floor numbers. It had an E on its screen. Error.
A small television monitor above the control panel turned on. At first, they didn’t think much of it. They expected to see cable news or a stock market update, the type of thing usually broadcast on elevator monitors.
It took a moment for their eyes to adjust to the brightness of the white television screen. After another moment, a message appeared in large black letters.
From The Escape Room. Copyright © 2019 by Megan Goldin and reprinted with permission from St. Martin’s Press.
Monday, July 1, 2019
Some Choose Darkness by Charlie Donlea
Thank you Kensington Books for the Early release copy or as they say ARC. I absolutely loved this book. I will not give any spoilers but you all need to go out and get this book and read it. This is my first book by the author and plan on reading his other books. He’s become a favorite. It’s a whirlwind book. It’s where you don’t want to put it down.

Sister of Mine by Laurie Petrou
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and thank you to the publisher as well. Sister of Mine by Laurie Petrou was a good read for me. It was fast paced and I couldn’t put it down. I’ll give no spoilers. It’s the tale of two sisters I’ll give you that. It will hold your interest. I highly recommend it.
The Manic Pixie Dream Boy Improvement Project by Lenore Appelhans
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and thank you to the publisher as well. The Manic Pixie Dream Boy Improvement Project by Lenore Appelhans. This book was a slow read for me. It was cute and fun but not really my type of book. I am glad I had the opportunity to read it. I will not give any spoilers.
I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and thank you to the publisher as well. I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella was a fun read for me. I always enjoy her books. She’s been a favorite for many years. I will not give any spoilers but I really recommend this book. It’s just the perfect bit of romance and drama.
The Girls At 17 Swann Street by Yara Zgheib
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and thank you to the publisher as well. The Girls At 17 Swann Street by Yara Zgheib was for me an emotional read. I will not give any spoilers but it deals with eating disorders and if you are sensitive to that that’s my only spoiler. It was book I was happy to read though it definitely left an impression. I will read other books by the author in the future.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
The Secret Ingredient by Nancy Naigle
The Secret Ingredient by Nancy Naigle was a great read. I really enjoyed it. I won’t give any spoilers but it was a fun Romantic read. I enjoyed the characters in this book and recommend it highly. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and thank you to the publisher as well.
All Is Fair by Lynda Page
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book & thank you to the publisher too. Lynda Page is the author of All is Fair. I won’t give any spoilers. It was a historical fiction book which I love those. I heard this is part of a series or saga of books so this is my first book by this author. I recommend it.
I’m Fine And Neither Are You by Camille Pagan
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and thank you to the publisher as well. I’m Fine And Neither Are You by Camille Pagan was a great read for me. I highly recommend it. I will not give any spoilers but if you get the opportunity to read this book please do. It’s very relatable.
Beyond the Cattle Arch by John David Harris M. Ed
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and thank you to the publisher. I won’t give any spoilers. It was just an okay book for me. It was not one of my favorites but honestly couldn’t really get into the book. I’m glad I read it.
Beautiful Bad by Annie Ward
Thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to review this book. Beautiful Bad by Annie Ward. No spoilers here. I thought it was a good read. I love a good thriller. It kept my interest. I would recommend it to my friends to read.
The Southern Side of Paradise by Kristy Woodson Harvey
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book by Kristy Woodson Harvey. The Southern Side of Paradise is the book. It’s the 3rd book in the series. No spoilers from me. The series is Peachtree Bluff. Great books. This was a great read and highly recommend any of her book. You should check it out.
The First Mistake by Sandie Jones
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book by Sandie Jones. I absolutely loved it. It was full of twists and turns and I did not want to put this book down. I highly recommend it. I won’t give any spoilers but if you get the chance, pick up a copy of this book. Thank you also to the publisher for the ARC book addition as well. #TheFirstMistake
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Find the Seeker by Master Genro Genro Xuan Lou, Laoshi and Clifford Stevens
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book. Thank you also to the publisher. I enjoyed it. It took me awhile to personally get into the book but with the read. No spoilers given. I would recommend it my friends.
The Widows by Jess Montgomery
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book by Jess Montgomery. The Widows was a good read. It is something I normally don’t read but I’m glad I took the opportunity to do so. No spoilers. Worth the read.
When the lights go out by Mary Kubica
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and thank you to the publisher. I always enjoy a book by Mary Kubica. Thank you for letting me review “When the lights go out.” I recommend this book but I am a fan of the Author. I hope you will give it a read. I give no spoilers. It was a fast paced thriller and those are my favorite types of books. Looking forward to reading more books by the author. #WhenthelightsGoOut
Save Me From Dangerous Men by S.A. Lelchuk
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book by S.A. Lelchuk. Save Me From Dangerous Men was a great solid read for me. It took me a little while to get into the book but it held my interest. I will not give spoilers. It’s definitely worth the read if you like these types of books. Looking forward to reading more from this author.
Girl, Wash your Face by Rachel Hollis
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book by Rachel Hollis. It’s my first book that I read by her and I highly recommend it. No spoilers. This book hit home with me on certain things and I am so happy I read it. It’s full of insure and advice. Worth the read. #GirlwashyourFace
Nothing but Trouble by Amy Andrews.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and to the publisher. I will not give any spoilers. It’s a very good novel by Amy Andrews. If you get the opportunity give this book a read. I just reviewed Nothing But Trouble by Amy Andrews. #NothingButTrouble #NetGalley
Saturday, June 1, 2019
The Girl He Used To Know by Tracey agar is Graves
I was lucky to get an ARC of this book. This is also my first book I ever read by the author. I will not give any spoilers as I’m a blogger that does not do that. I will tell you this, you will want to sit down and read this book. It makes you think and have Wow moments. What I pictured in my mind was not what I was expecting but you got to read the book to be surprised. Please check this one out.
#ReadTheGirl #SheSpeaks @StMartinsPress @SheSpeaksUp
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Scent Keeper By Erica Bauermeister
This is a short Review with NO SPOILERS from me. I want you to read the book. Thank you for the chance to be on the Blog tour for this Book.
This is a book that I normally would not read mainly the genre of the book. It did peak my interest and it was worth the read. The book is all about smells. The sense of smells. When reading this it hit a nerve that there are certain smells I wish I could smell forever to have the lasting memory.
This book kept me guessing what would happen next and take me into its world along with the main character Emmeline. It really is a magical story that will pull at your heart stings and I think you will really enjoy it. Think about if you can bottle scents that are in your life & the people you love would you want to keep them forever?
About the Author:
Erica Bauermeister is the author of the bestselling novel The School of Essential Ingredients, Joy for Beginners, and The Lost Art of Mixing. She is also the co-author of the non-fiction works, 500 Great Books by Women: A Reader’s Guide and Let’s Hear It For the Girls: 375 Great Books for Readers 2-14. She has a PhD in literature from the University of Washington, and has taught there and at Antioch University. She is a founding member of the Seattle7Writers and currently lives in Port Townsend, Washington.
About the Book:
Erica Bauermeister, the national bestselling author of The School of Essential Ingredients, presents a moving and evocative coming-of-age novel about childhood stories, families lost and found, and how a fragrance conjures memories capable of shaping the course of our lives.
Emmeline lives an enchanted childhood on a remote island with her father, who teaches her about the natural world through her senses. What he won’t explain are the mysterious scents stored in the drawers that line the walls of their cabin, or the origin of the machine that creates them. As Emmeline grows, however, so too does her curiosity, until one day the unforeseen happens, and Emmeline is vaulted out into the real world--a place of love, betrayal, ambition, and revenge. To understand her past, Emmeline must unlock the clues to her identity, a quest that challenges the limits of her heart and imagination.
Lyrical and immersive, The Scent Keeper explores the provocative beauty of scent, the way it can reveal hidden truths, lead us to the person we seek, and even help us find our way back home.
Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound

Wednesday, March 20, 2019
A Timeless Christmas by Alexis Stanton
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review “A Timeless Christmas.” I hope to read more books by Alexis Stanton in the future. I never give spoilers but it was a good Seasonal read. I thought the story was very good and for me it was a quick read. Please check it out if you get the opportunity.
Special shout out to Hallmark publishing for the chance to read the ARC.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
No Place Like Home by Rebecca Muddiman
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book by Rebecca Muddiman. No Place Like Home. It did take me awhile to get into this one but it did eventually pick up in interest for me. I really ended up enjoying it and recommend it to my fellow book readers. I wlll not give any spoilers.
We Were Mothers by Katie Sise
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book by Kate Sise. We Were Mothers. I will not give any spoilers. I really enjoyed this book. It held my interest and I enjoyed the characters. It did take me awhile to get into it but I did and I would recommend it to my fellow book friends.
Her one mistake by Heidi Perks
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book. Her one mistake by Heidi Perkins. I won’t give any spoilers. It was the type of book I like to read. It held my interest and I enjoyed her writing style and the characters. Frankly, I didn’t want it to end and will more then likely re read in the future. If you get the opportunity I recommend this one.
Secrets of a Happy Marriage by Cathy Kelly
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. This is my first book by Cathy Kelly. Secrets of a Happy Marriage. I thought it was a good read. I will not give any spoilers but for me it was a slow read. I would recommend it if you are a fan of the author. I’ll be giving her books another try in the future.
Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand
My first book done this year. It’s been crazy so reading is hard right now but I’m so happy I read this one. Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand. It started out slow for me. Maybe because I have a lot on my plate right now. Then as I got further into the book, the Characters took me on this journey with them. I loved how it switched back and forth in the storytelling. That’s a huge thing that intrigues me as a reader. I am very much looking forward to more in this series. I’ve been staying up way past my normal bedtime the last week to read and finished it on a windy & cold evening. I rate this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! #bookaholic #bookstagram #bookaddict #Reader #BloggerinProgress #MyFirstReview

Sunday, February 3, 2019
Montauk by Nicola Harrison
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this book. Montauk by Nicola Harrison. This book was a very good period piece book. This book was hard to put down. It drew me in as for me means I’m up late reading. No spoilers. If you get the opportunity please check this one out. Highly recommend.
Wine and Punishment by Sarah Fox
Thank you NetGalley & the publisher for the opportunity to review this book. This is a new author to me. Sarah Fox who wrote the book “Wine and Punishment.” Will give no spoilers. It was a fast read. I do look forward to more in this series and reading any other previous books by this author. It does not disappoint at all.
The Christmas Company by Alys Murray
Thank you NetGalley & the publisher for the opportunity to review this book. The Christmas Company by Alys Murray. No spoiler. This book was like you were in a Hallmark film in the town it took place with all its wonderful characters. It was a great Holiday read. I would recommend it to anybody who still feels in the holiday spirit.
Beauchamp Hall by Danielle Steel
I have enjoyed so many Danielle Steel books over the years. She’s been a favorite of my late Nanas too. Thank you to the publisher & NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book. You can never go wrong with a Danielle Steel novel. No spoilers. I really enjoyed the characters and setting of this novel. It held my interest from beginning to end. This book took you on a journey and it’s one I think the Danielle Steel avid reader would enjoy.
A Star is Born by Lorna Luft and Jeffrey Vance
I Loved this book. I was a huge fan of the film too. I’m also a big Judy Garland fan. Thank you NetGalley & the publisher for the opportunity to review this book by Lorna Luft and Jeffrey Vance. It was so informative and is a must read for Judy Garland fans and fans of the film A Star is Born. I will not give any spoilers. If you are a classic film buff like I am, plus the Judy Garland fan, I hope you take the opportunity to read this book. Such an excellent read!
The Silent Sister by Shalini Boland
Thank you NetGalley for my copy of “The Silent Sister” to review. I’m a newbie to Author Shalini Borland. I will not give any spoilers. It was a book I was so glad to read. I enjoyed the characters and it made me feel like I was in the story. Such a good book. Highly recommend if you like the mystery/thriller genre.
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